Genesis Centre is a Kingdom Community comprised of people who are passionate in their pursuit of God and committed to engaging with each other in that pursuit. We are a people being defined and built by God according to His biblical standards. We are full of life, joy, relationship, integrity, commitment, passion, and love.

Hebron Company
Our men are Hebronites – men of integrity, nobility and strength. Men with a burning passion for God and a deep care for others. Not only do we have a local Hebron Company within our community, but we are also part of a global company of men connected to other Kingdom Communities joined to Congress WBN. The Hebron Company gathers monthly in meetings designed to help men build their lives and create strong bonds amongst them. As a company, we each operate based on the principle that we can only grow and mature inside of relationship. The monthly meetings are designed to create an environment for learning more of God, to continue each man’s journey toward Christ-likeness, and to encourage the men to walk in faith that their lives will represent the fullness of manhood as God intended it. We also have a Growth Group dimension of Hebron Company, with small groups meeting regionally once a month following the Hebron Company meeting. See Growth Groups for more information.
Meetings: Hebron Company meets on the 2nd Friday of each month from 7:00 – 9:00 pm.

Hebron & Deborah GPS
Our young adults, ages 16 to 20, are critical to the health and development of our community.
The Hebron GPS and Deborah GPS groups are unique and holistic, but also extensions of Hebron Company and Deborah Company. We believe young people are not defined by their current location as youth, but by their destination as men and women of God, part of the wider company. These groups provide an on-ramp into adulthood, a pathway into maturity.
Meetings: If you are interested in these meetings please contact the church for current meeting times and locations.

Deborah Company
Our Vision is to become a Company of Whole, Wise Women who are Mature and emit the Spirit of a Warrior. To develop into Strong, Compassionate, Kind, Patient, Hospitable, Selfless, Tolerant and Elegant Women who love the Body of Christ. To be a Representation of Christlikeness and therefore facilitate the Fulfillment of Divine Purpose. This was born out of a requirement from God: “I want strong women.” We believe that the Deborah Company is a portal for Divine resource to the women in Genesis and beyond. We have a strong emphasis on accurate family structure therefore each woman of Genesis Centre must have an accurate context and posture before the Lord. Our Deborah Company meetings consist of worship, teaching, and breakout discussions on the current emphasis of the Spirit. We also have a Growth Group dimension of Deborah Company, with small groups meeting regionally once a month following the Deborah Company meeting. See Growth Groups for more information.
Meetings: Deborah Company meets on the 3rd Friday of each month from 7:00 – 9:00 pm.

Evolution is the people group focused on the transition from Project Heritage to Hebron & Deborah GPS. The “seed” of Truth, Values, Understanding and Faith MUST be placed into the hearts and minds of the next generation. This is the stage where the young children must begin to evolve in their personal walk with the Lord. They are moving from a place of total dependence on the faith of their parents and the wider community to a place where they can own the faith for themselves. Children enter Evolution at the beginning of the school year after they turn 11.
Meetings: If you are interested in these meetings please contact the church for current meeting times and locations.

Project Heritage
Project Heritage provides spiritual instruction for children aged 3 to 11. We believe that our children are an integral part of the health and continuity of our community. Our Project Heritage Kids are meant to take the same journey into the nature and principles of Christ as the rest of Genesis Centre. The instruction in Project Heritage is inspired by the account of Jesus at age 12 – a young boy in pursuit of the wisdom and will of His Father who was able to confidently engage the adults and spiritual leaders of his time. The teachers of PH design and deliver biblical curriculum which tracks the community process. This allows our children to grapple with and practicalize spiritual truths rooted in the Word of God through: scripture review, anecdotes, puppetry, music, dance, drama, and more. Our objective? Children who are children, yet who are wise beyond their years because they choose to: know, love, and obey God and apply spiritual principles to their daily life.
Meetings: Project Heritage meets every Sunday during the teaching portion of our service.

Growth Groups
Growth Groups: the place of strengthening the Pastoral Dimension of the community by building effective relationships and care among the members. These small group meetings allow every member the opportunity to receive personal care and attention. By design, the Growth Groups facilitate both the individual and community’s movement into greater maturity and Christlikeness, “…growing up into Him who is the head” (Ephesians 4:15). We believe it is important that individuals not live in isolation but within a community context, so everyone is given the opportunity to interact directly with a group of people who genuinely care and support their development. Our Growth Groups offer accountability, trust and transparency that help to foster the development of every saint. Saints share life through relevant discussions that facilitate a practical understanding and implementation of scripture in light of the current speaking of God.
Meetings: Our Growth Groups meet regionally once a month and are held in homes.

Global Leadership Interlink (GLI) - GLI Texas
GLI Texas is the local chapter of a global network of professionals and university students.
GLI promotes values-driven leadership development, supporting professionals and university students committed to developing society and strengthening national and global governance systems. There is a strong demand for values such as integrity, humility, selflessness and collaboration to be preeminent in emerging and current leaders – alongside professional expertise and competency. While the world moves towards a place of greater division, GLI represents a singular standard of professionalism in the earth that is shared by each of its member and is relevant across all cultures and circumstance. God has designed GLI both to build the lives of individual members and for functionality – it is a flexible structure through which members of GLI Dallas may be called upon to collaborate on a range of outreach efforts and projects related to current global issues.
Meetings: GLI Dallas meetings are announced in advance to the membership, are held locally in Dallas, Texas and are streamed online to remote members.